The association
The Big Band an der TU Clausthal e.V. was founded as an association on 27.09.2017. The association is responsible for organizing rehearsals, hiring a conductor, purchasing the necessary literature and is responsible for financial demands on the Big Band, such as those made by GEMA at a concert. In short: the association ensures that making music in the big band is fun. The board of the association is responsible for the smooth organization of the big band and all these tasks.
However, fulfilling these tasks also requires money, which can be used to pay the conductor and the literature, for example, which is why the Big Band charges its members a fee, which is set out in a fee schedule. This amounts to
- Supporting members: contribution of your choice
- 5 EUR/month reduced fee (e.g. for pupils, students, job seekers, pensioners, etc.)
- 10 EUR/month for professionals, employees, ...
- 34 EUR/month for legal entities
For this low fee, members of the Big Band receive six hours of rehearsals and two hours of rehearsals with specialist teachers every month, as well as lots of fun making music together. Anyone interested in joining the Big Band can obtain a membership application and the statutes from the association's board or download them here. Before joining the Big Band, you can of course watch the rehearsals and only then make a decision. In the medium term, the association would like to ensure that the active musicians do not have to pay any association fees. We are therefore hoping for sponsors.